Non-Competition / Employee Disputes

Mr. Horvath has litigated non-competition and employee disputes for over twenty years. He has represented both the employer and the employees in the fair resolution of non-competition issues or other issues involving the disclosure of confidential information. With a keen eye on fairness and equity he has become one of the areas most aggressive and experienced litigators of these disputes.

From the employer side Mr. Horvath assists the companies in drafting fair and enforceable agreements. Understanding that the Courts look unfavorably on prophylactic and far reaching agreements, he works closely with his clients to draft agreements that are precise in their nature, scope, and duration.  Understanding the need for confidentiality and the protection of business secrets, Mr. Horvath brings a unique understanding of business function as it relates to litigation. His litigation experience provides him with a depth of understanding as to what courts of Ohio will consider fair, just, and equitable.

From the employee’s side, Mr. Horvath uses the same expertise to free employees from oppressive or overly restrictive covenants. More often than not employees feel bound by each and every term them  even after  they  were  hired.  The Courts of Ohio consider continuing employment sufficient consideration for entering into such agreements. In other words, it does not have to be a condition of your hiring that you sign a non-compete but simply that ongoing employment is considered sufficient to enforce these agreements. Notwithstanding, when the agreements become excessive in terms of area or duration, they become non-­enforceable. Mr. Horvath has had repeated success in Ohio Courts in having these agreements declared invalid thus providing individuals with the comfort in knowing they can go back to work and provide for their families.